When it comes to adding style and sophistication to your home decor, flooring plays an extremely important role. The choice of patterns can significantly impact the overall aesthetic appeal of a living space, so let’s talk about this some more!

Two popular patterns that have stood the test of time are herringbone and chevron. While they may appear similar at first glance, understanding the subtle differences between these patterns can help you decide whether to include them in your interior design.

So, let’s explore the characteristics, history, and applications of herringbone and chevron patterns.

Herringbone Pattern

The herringbone pattern gets its name from the resemblance it bears to the skeleton of a herring fish. This pattern is created by laying rectangular tiles or planks at a 45-degree angle to create a “V” shape. 

The tiles or planks are arranged in a way that each one is perpendicular to the adjacent piece, which creates the eye-catching zigzag effect.

One of the biggest advantages of the herringbone pattern is its versatility. It can be implemented using different materials such as hardwood, ceramic tiles, or vinyl. 

Herringbone flooring adds a touch of elegance and a timeless appeal to any space, which makes it suitable for both traditional and contemporary interior designs.

Chevron Pattern

The chevron pattern, like herringbone, consists of a series of “V” shapes. However, unlike herringbone, the chevron pattern features a continuous, seamless zigzag design. 

The chevron pattern is created by cutting rectangular tiles or planks at an angle and aligning them to form a smooth, flowing pattern.

Chevron flooring offers a bold and dynamic look to any home space. The continuous flow of the pattern creates a sense of movement, making it ideal for creating focal points or adding visual interest to a room. 

Chevron patterns can be implemented with various materials, including hardwood, ceramic, and luxury vinyl, allowing for a range of design possibilities.

Distinguishing Factors

While both herringbone and chevron patterns exhibit a zigzag effect, there are a few key differences that set them apart:


In herringbone patterns, the ends of each tile or plank are cut straight, resulting in a broken zigzag effect. On the other hand, chevron patterns have a continuous zigzag effect as the ends are cut at an angle and perfectly aligned.

Visual Flow

The herringbone pattern offers a more subtle, classic appeal with its broken zigzag effect. Chevron, with its continuous, seamless design, creates a more pronounced visual flow.


Herringbone patterns are well-suited for both traditional and contemporary designs, whereas chevron patterns tend to add a more contemporary and modern touch to a space.

Choosing the Right Pattern

When deciding between herringbone and chevron patterns, consider the following factors:

Interior Style

Consider your overall design scheme and choose the pattern that complements the aesthetic you want to achieve. Herringbone patterns work well in a variety of styles, from traditional to modern, while chevron patterns lend themselves more to contemporary or eclectic interiors.

Space Size

Consider the size of the room. Herringbone patterns can visually expand smaller spaces, while chevron patterns can create a more dramatic impact in larger areas.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, it’s down to you! Choose the pattern that you prefer best and will enhance the feel and look of your home.

Discover a wide range of high quality flooring options at your local Frank’s. Pop down to your nearby store and we’ll be happy to help you find the perfect material to transform your home.

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